Globalization is the process of different nations and peoples coming together and fusing cultures through technological expansion. As popular culture is diffusing into more countries through technological diversification, cultures are beginning to be fused together as popular things in the one country, are also the same popular thing in another country.
One of the concepts described in class that relates to globalization is cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism is pretty much the process of several large corporations owning popular culture and selling merchandise of popular culture to western audiences. Cultural imperialism is affected by globalization because as globalization increases across the world, conglomerates that own the production rights of pop culture products gain markets all over the planet. The popular culture in one country affects the popular culture in another, and therefore the nation that has newly adopted this pop culture becomes a new market for western companies to profit from. This causes local culture and traditions to become less popular, and even fade out completely, making regional cultures non-popular in their own areas, reducing diversity.
An example of cultural imperialism is Disney. This company has created some of the most popular children’s films of all time and is known all over the world. As a result, when a Cinderella doll or Mickey Mouse cup is sold in Germany, part of the profit is going all the back to Disney in the United States. This process of cultural imperialism, while good for western conglomerates, unfortunately reduces local culture diversity and ruins regional diversity.